February 28, 2023

Listen As A Podcast 

February the 28th.

Return to Hope day six invites us to continue our reflection on prayer. The gospel relates how Jesus taught His disciples to pray. They were to direct their attention to God as a father. They were to praise Him by their attention. They were to seek to follow His will and plan for them.

They were to share with Him their needs, even though he already knew all things. They were to seek His pardon in the measure they were willing to grant pardon to others.

In these days of Lent, we can ask ourselves, “How well do I follow the teachings of Jesus in my prayer time? Where can I make adjustments to accomplish it more exactly.?”

Lord, teach me as I follow you.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.
Priest In Residence


March 1, 2023


February 27, 2023