March 1, 2023

Listen As A Podcast 

March the 1st.

Return to Hope Day seven shares with us the story of Jonah and the people of Nineveh. It has a definite relation to our reflection on prayer because a big aspect of prayer, or any conversation, is the ability to listen. Jonah finally listened to God and preached to the people. The people listened and repented.

They changed their lives.

Jesus told His disciples that this was an example for them. They were to listen as Jonah and the Ninevites had done. When you pray, do you leave time for God to speak? Do you ever experience God's presence when you are just quiet and in silence?

As part of our prayer this Lent, tune in a little more often and carefully to what God is saying to you.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.
Priest In Residence


March 2, 2023


February 28, 2023