March 20, 2023

Listen As A Podcast 

March the 20th.

The Church today honors St. Joseph. As the spouse of Mary and the foster father of Jesus, he is an outstanding example of hope. As a faithful descendant of Abraham, he shared the hope and faith that directed his life.

The second reading from St. Paul underlines this. The gospel and the first reading point out how St. Joseph carried on the faith and hope of David. Our journey continues this history.

We need faith and hope to navigate the world in which we live. Like Joseph, we face problems. Like him, we have no clear answers. We must make decisions based on the faith and hope that we have been given. The life of Joseph offers us an example and encouragement

St. Joseph, Protector of the Church, pray for us.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.
Priest In Residence


March 21, 2023


March 19, 2023