March 12, 2023

Listen As A Podcast 

March the 12th 

As we enter the third week of Lent, our readings this year focus on the Samaritan woman that Jesus met at the well. He asks for a drink, but ends up giving the woman much more than she could ever have given Him. He offers her counsel, he offers her hope. He opens for her the way to eternal life.

In the end, she shares with other fellow citizens the hope that this might be the Messiah. The story offers us many points for reflection. Above all, it shares with us how valuable our encounter with Christ on this journey of hope might be for us. 

As we move forward, take some time to hear what Jesus is saying to you through the scriptures and the liturgy.

Listen to the invitation that He extends.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.
Priest In Residence


March 13, 2023


March 11, 2023