March 7, 2023

Listen As A Podcast 

March the 7th.

The gospel selection today reminds us that what we do in our Lenten practices should be done not to be seen by others, but to open us up to a closer relationship with God. This is especially true of fasting. If we extend the idea of fasting to other areas of our lives rather than just food, we see a multiplicity of possibilities.

Perhaps we spend an exaggerated amount of time watching TV or using our computer or phone. Could we reduce it and use some of that time in ways that would benefit others or give us an opportunity to grow in knowledge of other things? Creative approaches to fasting can be openings to new tools for our journey.

Holy Spirit, inspire me as I make my return to hope.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.

Fr. Robert Amhrein, OFM Conv.
Priest In Residence


March 8, 2023


March 6, 2023