The Day After

The darkness made way for the sun to come up.
There was a cold breeze as the leaves swirled in flight.
Frost covered the last flowers that had been planted months ago.
Soon there will be snow to cover them too (just not today).
And, God said, “It is good.”

Volunteers arrived in spite of the chill.
The soup kitchen was open to feed the long lines of hungry people.
Food baskets were filled for families in need.
The health center made ready for the evening clients.
And God said, “It is good.”

Children took their time getting ready for school.
Parents saw permission slips that needed to be signed as lunches were stuffed into backpacks.
Every lane on 690 and 81 was under construction.
People fought the traffic and made it to work.
And God said, “It is still good, but it could be better.”

At work and at home, screens filled with pundits aghast, dissecting the news of the day and into the night.
Some people thrilled and some inconsolable as contests will be challenged in courts.
And some friends and families were divided.
And God said, “This is not good.”

And then God said, “Tomorrow will come, and the sun will rise once more.
There will still be children and parents to worry if they are raising them well.
Volunteers will still be needed to feed hungry people and care for the sick.
Babies will be born, and people will be held in my arms as they pass from this world.
Most people will be kind to one another, and many will reconcile as passions fade.
Elections come and elections go but only, ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’.”

And evening came and morning followed. Wednesday, November 6th came, and God said,
“It will be good” because “I am God and there is no other.”

Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv.

Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv.




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